What truly makes a STS the correct choice for Service? That is a question we at STS ask ourselves a lot.
Service excellence is marked by a commitment to quality and balance of customer needs. I saw a quote the other day that said something to the effect that the savings had from poor service is always outweighed by the poor quality. So what makes a service company great?
Below is a picture of the inside of several Ion columns I have worked on in the past year. Each one of these pictures has gone into a detailed report summary of the service visit. Why is this important? Now we have an indisputable record of the interior of the column. Every scar, arc, and discoloration documented. When one of us opens that same column to troubleshoot an issue in the future we have a reference to fall back on, which in turn means faster diagnosis and resolution.

You’re thinking that this is totally obvious and must be standard practice for all service organizations, maybe not! I would challenge your service provider to give you an accurate and complete history of your instrument. Can they provide you with the level of detail and accuracy consistent with the cost of your service contract?
Establishing expectations isn’t unreasonable, it’s great business.